Sunday, January 16, 2011

Final Day...

So the past few days have been spent toiling over final projects. They are not final projects in the typical research sense though, rather more exploratory and creative. Some students have chosen to do murals, poetry, raps, and children’s books. I have chosen to do a cookbook. However, it is a cookbook for a cause…

Being inspired by the people in the villages of Solo and Shukshuyaku, I knew that I wanted my final project to relate to their communities and address the need for computers in Solo and water in Shushuyaku. As seen in my past entries, the people in these communities were more than generous and hospitable when we visited and I want to reciprocate this generosity in a way that will benefit the entire community. After realizing that putting on some sort of fundraising event back at home would be too crazy and likely result in little profit, Jenn and I put our heads together (we decided to collaborate on the project) and thought selling something as a fundraiser would be better; and what better thing to sell than a recipe book of all the DELICIOUS recipes that we have been enjoying here!

Everyone in our travel group will be able to use the recipe book to raise funds and as it has been created in a PDF as well as printable format people can choose to sell them via internet or in person. The Sachamama Center has already set up a safe account for people to send donations to so all people in our group have to do is sell the books and send in the moolah. If anyone is interested in a book let me know! The recipes are definitely worth it! :)