Friday, January 21, 2011

Home At Last

Well it took 13 hours waiting in the Lima airport, a 7 hour flight, and a 4 hour drive through snow and ice but I finally made it back home. It feels amazing to be back with my family and friends but it’s hard not to compare my lifestyle to those of which I experienced while in Peru. As I was packing up to go back to school I was stunned but the sheer amount of things I have accumulated over the years. I always knew that I had a lot of stuff, but I really have A LOT of stuff. I think that there are more clothes in my closet than in the entire villages of Solo and Shukshuyaku combined. I now find myself thinking about the problems in these villages often in the course of a day. It can become overwhelming at times, but if everyone was to spend more timing helping and contributing, I think we could find solutions.

Although I have already had to hit the ground running with school, clubs, and other activities I plan to continue to apply what I have learned from being in Peru to everyday life. Being more aware of my actions, considering the effects of others, and keeping in mind the varying situations around the globe are just a few things that I already find myself doing naturally. In addition, I have already started to share my stories with others and find myself spreading this awareness but also learning a lot through the similar stories of others.  I am going to continue doing what I can to help the villages of Solo and Shukshuyaku and plan to do so mainly through donations from my Peruvian Cookbook sales. If anyone is interested in making a donation and receiving their own cookbook please email me at In exchange for your donation you will receive a PDF version of the cookbook and a receipt in the mail that can be used as a tax write-off.

In closing, I just want to say that traveling to Peru was an experience of a lifetime; one that I will never forget. I look forward to seeing where my travels take me in the future and only hope to have an experience as exciting and engaging as the one I had these past three weeks.