Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ritual Bath and Day of Silence

Well tonight after dinner I am to engage in a special night ritual where we will be "blessed/purified". It is suppose to go until the wee hours of the night (last year it lasted until 3 a.m. and they had 10 less people!) and consists of the shaman singing many Ikaros (shamanic songs) and a bath of plant and flower water for purification. After we take our baths we are suppose to silently go to bed and continue this silence until dinner time tomorrow. The time tomorrow up until dinner will be spent "contemplating" and fasting, and for the most part we will be sitting in hammocks.

I honestly don't know how all of this is going to go for me. I have never been the spiritual type and silence has never been my forte. Hearing the stories of students from last year I don't know if I see myself having any sort of spirit sightings or deep revelations but either way I am going to go into this with a open mind, and at the very least get a nice day of relaxation out of it.